Stone Face of the Silent Movie Era – The Buster Keaton Suit


It would appear I suddenly found myself in 1920s Berlin looking for a prat fall where there were none to be had, so I found a little cafe near the canal and sat there contemplating a by-gone era.

Back in the day, movies were in their infancy, providing ravenous audiences with their first real glimpse of cinema magic.  Many a star shone on that silver screen, thrilling us with fantastic adventures, grand romances, dastardly deeds, and making us laugh with some of the greatest physical comedy the world had ever seen.  The master of this domain was Buster Keaton, whose diminutive stature, sad and brooding eyes, deadpan face (which earned him the nick name of “Stone Face Keaton”), and amazing acrobatics, earned him a top spot in movie making history.


He performed his own stunts, and directed his own destiny as the greatest comedian of the silent film era and beyond.  His films are iconic.  Famous scenes live on in parody and homage.  You can see a bit of Buster in many films, TV shows, and cartoons of today.  You can even see some of his influence on the likes of the Marx Brothers and the Three Stooges.  He was, and always will be, the King of the Prat Fall.


The making of this suit and the trip across the grid looking for 1920s era places to visit has obviously left me a bit exhausted, but in spite of that, here’s my tribute to a Hollywood Legend.

Avatar Bizarre is happy to present the latest in male Vintage clothing for Second Life.  Though my avatar resembles Johnny Depp in Benny and Joon more than Mr. Keaton, I can assure you that this outfit has been painstakingly crafted to be as true to 1920s fashion as we could get it.

From the straw pork pie to the leather wingtip shoes, this outfit is stunning, and will look good on any guy who wants to try on a taste of the Twenties.


Available in Purple, Black, Sepia, Copper, Patina and Blue, each suit has a rigged striped coat, which should fit just about any male avatar.  There is a demo available, just in case.  Under the coat, you have a rigged mesh vest front (yep, just the front…but what a front!), a system layer shirt, system layer pants, rigged pant legs, mesh collar with tie, and mesh wingtip shoes.  Oh, and don’t forget the hat!  All men of the era wore hats, and Buster was no exception.  He was famous for his pork pie hat, whether it was made of straw, or made of felt.


The suit is available in Second Life at Avatar Bizarre’s main store location.
You can also find it in the Second Life Marketplace site.

The cost of the suit, including shoes and everything, is 475L.  The shoes by themselves are 150L.