Pull a Comb Through Your Coal Black Hair – Zoot!

Avatar Bizarre has long been a purveyor of vintage and historic outfits, and the Zoot Suit is a perennial favorite.  This is the third incarnation of the outfit released in the store.  The first was released at a Vintage Fair a few years ago (system layers and flexi prims).  The second version was mostly mesh and made only for the male avatar.  It was also one of the first items I meshed up in Blender, so it was time for a bit of an update, which brings us to the third incarnation in the series.

This particular Zoot Suit, unlike the last version, has an open coat, and comes in a female version, as well as the male.  To add to the whole Zoot Suit Riot, this outfit includes color HUDs for the coat/hat, and collar/tie.  There are eight colors which give you many, many more color combinations.  The shirt, which is a system layer (all eight colors included) is also on an Omega applier HUD for those folks wearing mesh bodies.

Please check here http://lovenlustdesigns.blogspot.com/p/supported-meshes.html to make sure the body you have is supported by the Omega applier system before you buy this outfit.


You get a lot of nifty colors, plus white (just in case you wish to tint something a color I haven’t provided).  All clothing items are copy/modify.  The rigged suit cannot be resized or repositioned, but it can be tinted.  The unrigged stuff can be resized and repositioned.

Feel free to try out the demo before you buy this suit.  The demo includes an applier for one of the shirt colors on the Omega system, so you can see if it works with your mesh body of choice.  For reference, the avatars pictured in this blog are a male SLink Physique and a Maitreya female body.

I’m still dinking with last minute details, like making the demo and whatnot, but I hope you enjoyed this sneak peak.  Again, this will be available, starting on January 6 at the Tesoro Nostalgia event.  Price and SLurl forthcoming when I have the details.

 Grabilla screen capture:

Puttin’ on the Ritz – Tuxedo Fashion in Second Life

Avatar Bizarre Niven Tux
“High hats and narrow collars, white spats and lots of dollars – spending every dime for a wonderful time!” – Puttin’ on the Ritz

There a new kid in town, and he’s belting out the jazz hits at Club Noir in Second Life.  It’s an exciting time for tuxedo fans, because Avatar Bizarre has just released the Niven Tux.  Frank Sinatra, eat your heart out, because this fella’s definitely doing it his way.

Avatar-Bizarre-Niven-Tux-IIThe cool thing about this rigged mesh tux isn’t just that it comes in seven different colors, and includes a nifty color change HUD for the cumberbund, pocket square (Oh how we love the pocket squares!), and the bow tie.  The super cool thing about this tux is it comes in both a male and a female version, because sometimes everyone wants to don the tail coat and bow tie.  It’s the height of formal fashion.  Not only is the tux for that all important James Bond role play, but it’s also great for wedding parties, Hollywood style jazz clubs, and generally looking dapper and amazing. Avatar-Bizarre-Niven-Tux-at-Club-Noir

This is where “Cool as a cucumber” comes from.  Look at that devil may care attitude.  You can only get that from wearing a tux.


You can get this gem on the Marketplace and inworld at Avatar Bizarre.  Though the shoes are not included, you can get those at Avatar Bizarre as well.  They are prime, grade-A, shiny happy Saddle Shoes (with color HUD).

 Grabilla screen capture: