Sleigh Bells and the Cableknit Sweater

Winter is coming.  It’s not only a failed attempt on the part of the Starks to instill fear into Westros, but it’s also a (ahem) cold, hard fact.  The Holiday season has slammed its way into our lives like the powerful consumerist juggernaut it is, and with it comes snow, ice, sleet, and all kinds of reasons to enjoy a bit of frostbite with your friends and loved ones.

I live in California, so slieghing behind a magnificent horse wearing jingling tack is just not a normal activity.  But for folks in areas that receive actual weather, and in Second Life, it’s not such a rarity.  Some of my friends had a wonderful time riding behind Buck the Horse in one of Second Life’s most spectacular Winter sims the other day.  You can visit here.  Don’t miss out, because I’m pretty sure this is a holiday thing that will likely be turned into something else later on.

Of course the whole point of my bloggishness is to showcase some brand new Winter wear from Avatar Bizarre!  It’s not usual to find some actual modern day casual clothing options at Avatar Bizarre, since it’s a store that specializes in Gothic, Fantasy, and Historic.  But occasionally, the normal, every day clothing options happen.

This time, it’s a clothing option with a Scottish twist.  Inspired by the traditional woolen cableknit sweaters you might find in any shop on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, the Avatar Bizarre Cableknit Sweater is available in both Male and Female options.

There’s also a full range of colors available.  Made only from the highest quality vertices wool, spun into thick, warm woolen mesh yarn from the Blender loom, each sweater package includes five sizes with a twist.  You see, these run a little baggy, because sweaters are supposed to be warm, comfortable, and somewhat bulky.  If you have Advanced Lighting enabled, the knitting pattern stands out nicely for a cozy sweatery feel.

Special thanks go out to Buck the Horse for entertaining all of us in pure equestrian form.  Thanks also goes out to my female model, Misha-Selene, for once again coming through for a wonderful photo shoot.

On the Marketplace and inworld

Dancing Through a Gothic Wonderland

Once Halloween comes to a screeching halt, all Hell breaks loose as we gear up for one of the biggest holiday events in Second Life:  Gothmas!  Whatmas?  Gothmas!  It’s that black and romantic time when all the darklings come out of the woodwork and celebrate in a weird and wonderful way.  We don our goth apparel and dance to the ethereal carols of Pretentious, Moi?, Sisters of Mercy, Imperative Reaction, and Thoushaltnot.

Gothmas by Gaslight is nigh, and as you wander the hallowed streets of the cursed countryside, you will be regaled with many fine Gothic wares from a wide swath of merchants across the Second Life grid.

It’s time once again to give those blackened blue eyes an advance look at what’s coming up from Avatar Bizarre during this most sacred of holidays.

“Ozymandias Female” – Modeled by Misha-Selene

The Ozymandias, named for the poem by Percy Bisshe Shelley is resplendent in six gorgeous jewel tones.  Although it is a simple outfit with leather pants, silken shirt, and waistcoat, you will look positively stunning in any of the hues.  This outfit is available for men and for women, and the sleeves and pants are materials enhanced.  Shoes are not included, but both pants and sleeves were made to accommodate SLink hands, and SLink boots.

Gothmas opens in December, and both versions of this outfit will be available for 250L.  Please try the demo before you buy.