Oh the HORROR (of Nyarlathotep)


What horrors lurk in the demesnes of the Outer God?  Only Nyarlathotep, himself, a fearsome vision that causes abject insanity in all who behold him.  He is The Crawling Chaos.  He is a thousand different forms.  He walks among us as a human, a dark and stately man, who resembles an Egyptian Pharaoh.  Nyarlathotep oozes amongst the terrors of the Old Ones, to bring a fetid air of disquiet to even the most stalwart adventurer.


This new avatar from Avatar Bizarre is 100% rigged mesh with a shape and an alpha.  It’s Materials enhanced to give the illusion of being a glistening scaly, elephantine-skinned monstrosity, ready to consume all who oppose him.  A HUD is included for color changes.  You can choose from seven color variations, depending on flavor and intensity of your mad desire.


Do not be alarmed.  Be very, very frightened.

Available on the marketplace and inworld.

A Tattered Page – The Martian Chronicles – a Sneak Preview

“Ylla Silver”

A Tattered Page is an event, an experiment, an inspiration based on a book, and a thing that happens to novels that you read, re-read, and read again.  I have a copy of Bradley Denton’s Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede that is probably held together with love and dreams at this point.  Pages are not only tattered, but falling out.  A Tattered Page: [Citation Needed] is based on a love of books, coupled with the need for inspiration, and metered out with a smidgen of “Oh Hey, A Cool Event!”.

The first round has come and gone.  The next round, based on Ray Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles, begins on January 7.  It will be held in a central location, rather than in individual stores, this time – for a ton of reasons.  Not least of which is the ability to control the amount of images people need to load when they visit, and suchlike.  The other part of that original experiment (appropriately drawn from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein) was to have some of the merchants put their items on the Marketplace.  This went down like a lead balloon, exactly as we all thought.  The good news is the stuff was already on the site when the event closed, so it was one less thing for me to do later.

“Rocket Summer Violet”

So along comes our buddy Ray Bradbury, and suddenly we’re all off and running to create for this brand new event!  I’ve read The Martian Chronicles many, many times, but definitely needed a refresher course.  Unlike my absolutely stunning model here, I don’t have an eidetic memory.  Quite the opposite, in fact.  So I headed to the library and borrowed a copy.  Besides, the [Citation Needed] part of the event name means one must quote the part of the book that inspired whatever it is you’ve made.

Bradbury is a master of descriptive prose, so getting inspired to make a few things wasn’t too difficult.

This round, held in that aforementioned central location, will also allow merchants to release the items in their respective stores.  The idea is to relieve some of the laggy pressure on a sim, should it end up full of avatars.  There are a few things in Second Life that people have trouble with, and one of those is an event in which you are unable to move, let alone buy the things you like, because of lag.

In any case, the location’s SLurl has yet to be released; we have, in fact, not even set up for it yet.  So the location will be forthcoming soon.  Stay tuned!

You can find relevant information >>here<<.

“Martian Colonist Blue”

This sneak preview brought to you by Avatar Bizarre, Literacy, and a nose stuck in Photoshop and Blender for several days.