Blogging the Bloop!

Hello, my droogs and devotchkas.  I know it’s been a dog’s age since I’ve posted.  Summer happened, and so did a fair bit of “Do I really feel like doing this” feelings.  Need more excuses?  Throw in a bit of Real Life, a head injury, and Pokemon Go, and you have a perfect storm of procrastination.

I know you’re aching to know, so I’ll tell you:  I only have to get a Porygon and a Lapras to complete the North American Pokedex.  With that out of the way, let’s get to some other points.

Sometimes, you just have to take a break, even if it’s super extended.  But Avatar Bizarre isn’t going anywhere, and neither am I.


Avatar Bizarre is proud to be a part of the BOHO event in Second Life for the very first time.  For those who may be interested in Bohemian clothing, or even hippie duds, or you just want to raid Johnny Depp’s closet, you can head over here, starting on October 21.  The BOHO event lasts till November 4, so you have a couple of weeks to head out and get the Avatar Bizarre Bloop pants and shirts collection.

The pants (available for women, as well), are priced at roughly 50% off, and include a color HUD.  These fitted pants come in solid -or- striped (sold separately), and cost 99l for the duration of the event.  There’s a nifty matching shirt (solid colors only), also with a color HUD (fitmesh) for the same price.  For men, the pants come in fitted, and simple rigged versions (rigged is “medium”).  Women’s shirt and pants come with “regular” and “hourglass” sizes.


The Dashiki Cthulhu is a shoulder pet that can be repositioned however you want.  It’s also modify and copy, so you can use it as decor, though with the shirt, it’s roughly 9LI.  Sizing up can make the LI jump a bit higher.  The critter sitting in the booth is 12LI.  Without the shirt, it is much less.


So come one, come all, and fit some Bloop to your Body.  Meanwhile, I’m making a concerted effort to stop neglecting this blog thing here.  Cheers!

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