It’s Time for KRAMPUS!

Krampus is a Christmas demon who travels with St Nick and punishes the naughty children by whacking them with his stick.  If children have been particularly bad, he tosses them into his basket and takes them home to eat for his Christmas dinner.  Krampus has roots in Germanic folklore, but his influence is spreading across the globe.  Traditionally, young men dress up as Krampus during the first week of December and roam the streets frightening children with rusty chains and bells.  In my neck of the woods, a friend of mine crashes Christmas parties, Halloween parties, and just about everything that could possibly warrant a big hairy demon, and scares just about everyone, though Krampus seems to have a lot of fans as well.

Krampus isn’t as well known in the United States, though his story has begun to seep into American Pop Culture with appearances on American Dad, Grimm’s Fairytales, and other television shows.  It’s a moral imperative to spread the word about this beastie, particularly when so many parents we meet believe it’s  a fantastic idea.

Krampusnacht is fast approaching.  Therefore, it was time to introduce a new avatar into Second Life.  Avatar Bizarre is thrilled to present the Krampus avatar, which includes a rigged avatar with blinking eyes, the rigged basket (sculpted detachable babies), unrigged manacles and chains, and the alpha.  In true Krampus form, he has the horns of a goat, and hooves.

He will be available in a few different colors.  For now…at least for a couple of days…this is just a sneak preview.  This avatar will be available starting the first weekend in October.

So keep your eyes peeled, and don’t let the lack of Christmas demons Krampus your style!

EDIT:  HE IS NOW AVAILABLE inworld and on the Marketplace!