Otherworld – a Tour of Fantasy Faire

Fantasy Faire - In Otherworld as a Flying Qilin
Fantasy Faire, Second Life’s biggest Relay for Life Fantasy themed charity event, is currently in full swing.  It opened to the public on April 21, and as of this writing, the event has brought in over $11,000 USD for The American Cancer Society!

Avatar Bizarre, as mentioned before, has a booth at the Faire, and thank you to everyone who is buying things from me and the other merchants.  Every little bit helps.

I decided to take a little tour of all 13 sims the other day.  The first few photos were a whirlwind “If This Is Tuesday, It Must Be Belgium” tour, which resulted in one photo in every sim over the course of a night.

But it really doesn’t do the faire justice.  So I wanted to spend a little time visiting each sim, and showing off some really neat builds, while also showing off some of the things Avatar Bizarre has to offer.

Fantasy Faire - In Otherworld as a Flying Qilin

The Otherworld Sim is an incredible mix of glowing plants, spires, and natural formations.  Otherworld is nestled far from the trade routes, boats and trails, roads and civilization are unknown.  It’s a breath away from you, just beyond the shimmering mist. This is a mysterious and magical place, the world of heroes and gods of the Faerie Realm.

I wandered aimlessly, always trying to capture that fleeting glimpse in the corner of my eye.  Non-corporeal beings hid in plain site, always just out of reach; flickering lights and echoing laughter haunting the lonely traveler.

Fantasy Faire - In Otherworld as a Flying Qilin

Sponsored by Cerridwen’s  Cauldron and built by Elicio Ember, this sim is host to many fine merchants, so don’t forget to check out their booths while you explore this mystical realm of Faerie.

I flew through the crystal caves on my way to the next new adventure, but couldn’t resist the temptation to admire the glowing treasures up close.

Fantasy Faire - In Otherworld as a Flying Qilin

I’m a real fan of shiny things, as you can see.  They’re a wonderful distraction, and look spectacular in every way.

I could keep adding photos, but there’s just so much to see and so many things to do!  It’s difficult to keep from going broke in this event, but I have to say that the quality of all the merchants, the fun of the Quest (you can get your Quest HUD at all the sim landing points), and the amazing team who brought us yet another great Fantasy Faire, this is one of the reasons Second Life is such an amazing place.

Stay tuned for more adventures from the Fairelands, brought to you by little old me.

Location:  Otherworld at Fantasy Faire
Body – SLink Male Physique
Hands – SLink male relaxed
Hair – Exile Give Away Your Secrets Natural
Head – LOGO Ethan Male
Skin – Nivaro Crow Cream
Wings, Horns and Legs are all from Avatar Bziarre, and available in the booth at Lucentia sim.

Odyssey Mythica

The Manticore was a beast borne of Persian myth and legend.  Its name means “Man eater”, and was also called “Androphagos” by the Greeks.  It was a Sphynx-like creature with a red lion’s body, bat wings, and a large scorpion tail.  It spoke in a trumpeting voice, had three rows of teeth, and sometimes had horns.  No matter how it looked, it was always dangerous, either ripping men apart, or impaling them on its razor sharp tail.

Twisted Odyssey is a hunt starting on March 1.  It’s a grid-wide hunt with roughly 100 stores involved.  Avatar Bizarre has been a longtime sponsor and co-organizer of the hunt, and this is a sneak preview of the hunt gift, along with the gacha prize.

The Manticore Kit includes the horns, legs, tail, and leg scales.  There are two pairs of rigged legs (small and large for female, femboy, and male avatars), an unrigged tail, and unrigged horns.

The wings are going to be included in a gacha with about a dozen colors.  There will be two rare colors:  Argentum (Silver), and Aurum (Gold).


These have all been materials enhanced for your viewing pleasure.

When the time comes, you can find the kit and the gacha at Avatar Bizarre’s inworld location.  The Gacha will cost 25L per pull (Modify, Transfer only).  The Manticore Kit can be found if you look for a gold and black puzzle box.  It will be spinning.  It will be small.  There will be a breadcrumb trail leading right to it if only you discover the Sphynx’s riddles.

Faun and Games

AB Fallow Faun ThinkingYou know, it’s fauny, but occasionally legs happen.  Initially, Avatar Bizarre had a set of faun legs, with all the colors and gender things sold separately.  They were pretty good and all, but many things do well with some improvements.  Not only did these legs get a complete redesign, but several colors have been added.  Of course, I have always had a thing for purple, so you are about to get an eyeful of purple today.  Be wary, because this is what happens when the braining begins. Avatar Bizarre Fallow Faun Drumming

The Fallow Faun legs, named after the very cool looking Fallow Deer, are lightly spotted like their namesake.  If you’re going for a typical woodlands creature, spots are usually the way to go.  This generally helps you to stay camouflaged, just in case you run into trolls or orcs on the leafy trails.  Most of the time, you’re more likely to end up in a faerie ring, or smack in the middle of an abandoned Eleven drum circle.

Fauns, being of a musical bent, naturally play any instrument left laying around Elven campfires.  Enjoy the rockin’ beat as I play the Elven Bass Drum for you.

Avatar Bizarre Fallow Faun SentryLet’s get down to the nitty gritty, shall we? Here’s what you get for your 275L: One set of male legs One set of female/femboy legs One set of large horns (on the color HUD) One set of smaller black horns Tail – one positioned for the male and one for female SLink and Omega appliers – on the tattoo layer Tattoo layers in all ten colors for the default Second Life avatar Color HUD for legs, tail, and large horns Alpha Lest I forget, there’s a box of Omega HUDs for those of you who wish to be materials enabled.  SLink HUD is materials enabled by default.  There’s also a handy note card explaining all the things. Avatar Bizarre Fallow Faun taiko These can be purchased on the Marketplace and inworld at Avatar Bizarre.  Please try the demo first.

Walk the Dinosaur – a Sneak Peak

Avatar Bizarre Velociraptor Legs
Priests and cannibals, prehistoric animals
Everybody’s happy as the dead come home
Big black nemesis, parthenogenesis
No one move a muscle as the dead come home” – Nemesis, by Shriekback

I have to admit that I’ve been on a bit of a dinosaur kick lately, what with Jurassic World giving me the idea that a velociraptor would be a great pet, the cool feathered sauropod being found recently, and the general idea that dinosaurs will never not be seriously cool.  They were real life dragons. Okay, so they probably didn’t breathe fire, and definitely didn’t crunch knights in shining armor, but they ruled the Earth for millions of years before that big space rock hurtled into the Yucatan Peninsula.65 million years ago.  And now Avatar Bizarre is about to release a new set of Mesh Velociraptor Legs.

The cool thing about these legs is not only do they come in a male size, and a female size (good for femboys as well), but there’s a color HUD included for the legs.  In addition to the eight color legs HUD, you also get all eight tattoo layers (that’s the upper body bit that covers the thighs and belly of the avatar), plus a tattoo HUD for SLink and Omega with all eight colors. There’s also an unrigged mesh tail you can resize or reposition.  Don’t worry, dementoids and dementites, it’s on the color HUD too!

In the spirit of the Cretaceous, I headed off to a Pateolisthic sim and hung out with the Triceratops for a bit.  While there, I also had a conversation in Second Life that you can only have in Second Life.  As I landed, a Tyrannosaurus Rex said hello and said, “Cool avatar.  I wouldn’t have thought there could be a half human dinosaur.”

Not missing a beat, I told him that I’d had a nasty transporter accident.

So there you have it, gradies and lentlemen; the Velociraptor legs.  These will be available just as soon as I can (a) finish all the tattoo layers and color HUDs and (b) coerce my female model to do some pictures with the female sized legs.  She’s a good sport, so it’s really up to my rather lackadaisical non-motivation at the moment.  Never fear because these will happen soon, and in these amazing colors:

 Grabilla screen capture:

 Grabilla screen capture:

Hooves Tripping Through a Field

Avatar-Bizarre-Qilin-LegsThe Qilin – a rare and colorful creature in Chinese folklore. It is often called a Unicorn, but this is somewhat of a misnomer, since most Qilin (Japanese is Kirin) are depicted with two antler-like horns.  They are often associated with vibrant colors, gemstones, and the elements, much like the dragon.  Although the arrival of a Qilin is a good omen, they are said to punish the wicked, as well as foretell the birth of great men.  It has been said that the birth of Confucius was foretold by the great Qilin. The new Qilin legs from Avatar Bizarre are as jeweled and spectacular as any true Qilin.  These are rigged mesh, and fit most avatar shapes, though there is a demo available if you aren’t sure. AB-Qilin-Legs-with-color-HUD

Now for the fun part!
You see that vendor ad?  It explains everything pretty well.  There are appliers for SLink (the underpant layer), and Omega appliers (same deal, only for other mesh bodies).  The color HUD controls the colors of the legs and gem on the horns.

If you don’t have a mesh body (SLink, Matrieya, etc), not to worry.  There are six tattoo layers in the different colors for the default Second Life avatar.  So we’ve got you covered!  Literally.

I did want to mention a couple of things about the new Male SLink Physique Body, which is what you see my avatar wearing in the two images above.

First, it’s really, very nicely done.  There are a lot of bodies out there for folks to try out. Some are more muscled than others, which is great for folks who want to be heavily muscled.  The SLink body is more lithe, slender, and has just enough muscle tone.

Second, the HUD that comes with the SLink body is very detailed, and works really well!  It includes an 80 point alpha HUD, a skin tinter, a Penis (Hah!), and all the bits and bobs you need to make regular mesh clothing fit.

And the clothing does fit!  All you have to do is use the HUD to alpha out the bits that poke through.

Third, the hands and feet (sold separately), no longer have a weird seam between wrist/ankle and the rest of the body.  There’s a head that comes with the body, but I prefer to wear my own head.  The skin maker I prefer has not made appliers as of this blog post, hence the neck seam you see, but I don’t have a whole lot else to complain about.  I’ve heard others saying the pecs are a bit high, but I can live with that.  Because..

Wouldja look at that ass?  Holy carp!

The legs are available on the Marketplace and Inworld.