Scary Monsters and Super Creeps – or How Hocus Pocus Made a Monster

Hocus Pocus 2015 Poster

“She had an horror of rooms
she was tired ”
you can’t hide beat
When I looked in her eyes they were blue but nobody home

She could’ve been a killer
if she didn’t walk the way she do,
and she do
She opened strange doors
that we’d never close again

She began to wail jealousies scream
Waiting at the light know what I mean” – Scary Monsters, David Bowie

Hocus Pocus is an instore event that’s sort of like a hunt, but isn’t a hunt.  The idea is for folks to show up in a participating store, and clock on the Ghost to see if they win a free thing. The Ghost will show a picture of the item being offered by the merchant.  If you poke him a little too hard, he may not give you the item.  If you poke him in ways he enjoys, then he’ll hand you a shiny new thing!  If you don’t get the item, you have the option of trying your luck the next day, or you can bribe the ghost 50L to cough up the item you so desperately need.

If you’re into chances, and prefer free things, you have ten chances to win the free thing from the ghost.

Avatar Bizarre is thrilled to be a part of this event, and has come up with something kind of spooky:  The Monster Feet Slippers.  The version available for Hocus Pocus is limited edition made strictly for the event.  This version will disappear after the event, so if you want it, you’ll be taking your chances that the ghost is in a good and giving mood!


If you prefer not to take your chances, there will be an additional release in the store.  The Monster Feet Slippers with Color HUD will be available for 175L.  This pair includes an eight color HUD, rigged for the default avatar food, and rigged for SLink feet versions, plus an unrigged version for those who prefer to resize/reposition things.  Both sets of feet being released are materials enhanced, 100% original mesh.

Both sets of slippers will be available, staring October 30.

I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me

Avatar Bizarre Gargoyle Avatar Posing on CathedralThe gargoyle watches from atop the wall, ever vigilant, ever patient.  It is a dark and mysterious creature, said to guard against evil spirits.  It is a protector of cathedrals and other classic structures, laying wait among the flying buttresses. Traditionally thought to have turned up in medieval times, gargoyles can be traced even farther back to the Egyptians, where they were placed to guard temples, where their mouths would spout water for all eternity.  Gargoyles, in the shape of lions and other ferocious animals, also served to guard Greek temples. Avatar-Bizarre-Gargoyle-at-St-Paul's-Cathedral

Gargoyle is a name often attributed to St. Romanus, who fought a creature called Gargouille, who was supposedly so scary looking that he frightened off evil spirits.  Rather than be vanquished by St. Romanus, he became a protector.  Gargoyles are often used to decorate buildings, such as Notre Dame de Paris, and  Westminster Abbey.

Avatar Bizarre’s latest offering in the Hidden Sanctuary event “From the Shadows They Do Come” (Starts October 10 in the Hidden Sanctuary sim) is the Gargoyle Avatar.  Available as male or female, it includes a color HUD with several stone choices, a pair of blinking eyes, and a pair of color change eyes.  This is also materials enhanced.  Cathedral not included.  Cost is 475L for either version.

 Grabilla screen capture:

 Grabilla screen capture:

Going Medieval on Second Life – A Sneak Preview


A Tale of Wanders, The Ancient Ones Return will be in full swing, starting August 8 and running through August 22 in Second Life.

The Ancients will take place in a fantastic setting where you can wander among huge mystical plants, imposing ruins, and lots of crumbly ivy-covered brick booths filled with amazing and interesting things.  Avatar Bizarre has a little nook all to itself in this fairyland, and there will be some great offerings to the huddled masses.


Order of the Falcon (250L) is a new Medieval outfit for men; available in seven colors and materials enhanced.  This doublet and pants combination is lovingly detailed and includes five standard sizes, plus an alpha.  There’s a demo box sitting under all the vendors, so feel free to pick up a copy to check the fit.  In addition to the outfit, there’s a set of Order of the Falcon ankle boots for sale in the booth.  These shoes are unrigged, copy and modify, and include a color HUD with all seven colors (175L).  The shoes are also materials enhanced for your viewing pleasure.


The Order of the Falcon has initiated a new member into the group of knights, who are sworn to protect the land from marauding evil monsters and villains.  The double headed falcon emblazoned on the chest is a symbol of strength and cunning, and is proudly worn by all members of the brotherhood.  Leather wrist guards protect a swordsman’s arms from an enemy’s blade, keeps the teeth of the Dire Wolf from ripping you asunder, and provides protection from the fire of the dragon.  The moonstone set into the belt is an amulet to ward off evil.

Better watch out, or we may go Medieval on you!

Order of the Falcon shoes, though made to work with the Order of the Falcon outfit, can be worn by anyone.

So remember, August 8-22, the Ancients Return!  Along with the new outfit and shoes shown here, and the new toga for women shown in a previous post, there will also be wings with color HUDs, and a couple of Baudica Armor outfits for women.  Demos are available for all rigged outfits.

Attack of the 50 Foot Toga – A Tale of Wanders Sneak Preview

It was a tale of wanders, the Ancient Ones returned.  A lone wanderer found himself in a magical land populated by dark fae, warriors, and gods.  One morning, he came upon a temple where a goddess stood guard.  Imposing in her stature, and stunning in her simple toga, wrapped with a leather corset embossed with roses, she rules over the temple.

The Aphrodite Toga is a short form fitting dress that highlights and accentuates the mystical beauty of the female form, turning its wearer into a Greek goddess.


The Aphrodite Toga is rigged mesh that comes in the standard sizes, and includes a color HUD with six colors.  It is materials enhanced for your visual pleasure, and will be available at the Hidden Sanctuary A Tale of Wanders event starting August 8.  Cost of the Aphrodite Toga will be 250L.

In addition to this lovely little toga, there will be a fun new Medieval outfit for the men.  More on that in the next post.  Meanwhile, get ready for a fantastic event full of surprises and neat stuff.

Avatar Bizarre Aphrodite Toga

One Thing You Need to Know About A Hidden Sanctuary


Awake in the night to whisper your name
Only a silence replies it’s answer a sleeping refrain
The moment dies but memory stays
Love like a run our way by
We spin and we climb
To where once islands cried
And there sometimes angels can be devils too
It’s true of you
It’s true of you – The Damned, Sanctum Sanctorum – Phantasmagoria album

See this post to get the skinny on the Ashe suit, guys.  Then you can hop over to this post for more information on a delightful dress called Evelyn for the ladies.

Walk the Night With Me is a Gothic event in Second Life, which starts July 18.  It will cater to all things dark and romantic, so it was imperative to decorate the booth in rich purples.  Avatar Bizarre’s offerings for this event include a Gothic gown (sort of Virctorian style) for the ladies, and a stylized Victorian style Gothic suit for the guys.  In addition, there’s a Nyarlathotep head sitter with a color HUD available at a special 99L price just for the run of the event.

You can find the event Facebook group page here —>

The suit being worn by that funny looking character in the booth is the Ashe suit in purple, because everything purple.  As you can see, there’s a demo available in that black and green box over yonder.

The Shrieking of Nothing is… Sneak Preview of the Ashe Suit

“Do you remember a guy that’s been
In such an early song…” D. Bowie, Ashes to Ashes

 Grabilla screen capture:

Walk the Night With Me is a Gothic event coming up in Second Life in July.  Organized by the team from Hidden Sanctuary Events, the theme centers on Gothic Weddings and Tragic Gothic Romance.  The theme conjures up all kinds of inspiration for your humble narrator, my droogs and devotchkas.

Ashe is a lonely wanderer, clad in velvet brocade.  This suit hearkens back to Victorian times, but adds a little Tim Burtonesque twist with the black and white striped lining of the coat.  This is a rigged mesh suit, which comes complete with five sizes, an alpha, and attached coat and pants.  It has been materials enabled for your viewing pleasure.

 Grabilla screen capture:

Ashe will be available only at the event, till its end, then will be available on the Marketplace, and inworld at the main store location.

 Grabilla screen capture:

As the time draws near, and booth set up is imminent, an SLurl will be provided so you can hop on over for a bit of Gothic awesomeness.  Stay tuned!

HSe Walk the night with me_ A Gothic wedding affair 7_18-7_22

All the Choices, Many Voices – Walk the Night With Me Sneak Preview

 Grabilla screen capture:

We walked till the sunlight died
How could I breathe without your love
Like others we all fight
Against the cruel, cruel time – Clan of Xymox, “Evelyn”

HSe Walk the night with me_ A Gothic wedding affair 7_18-7_22

Walk the Night With Me is a Hidden Sanctuary Event centered around all things Gothic Wedding and Dark Love.  It takes place July 18th through the 23rd, and will feature all things dark and sticky.  A Gothic Wedding is one that evokes romance with a Victorian flare.

Avatar Bizarre is thrilled to be a part of this event, and will be debuting two new items, which will exclusive at the event until its end, then they will be released to the Marketplace and in the Main Store location afterwards.  The first of these items is the Evelyn, pictured above.  This gown is a lovely Victorian-style garment with a black leather corset, frilly black lace accents at the throat and the wrists, and sumptuous puffed sleeves.  The floor-length skirt is slim, and drapes gorgeously, ending in a lovely sweep on the floor.  The tiny hat adds that Brontean touch, and is finished off with black lace attached to the brim.

As always, all rigged mesh items can be tried on with a handy free DEMO.  This is available in six colors, and includes five sizes and the hat.
 Grabilla screen capture:

A Phantom to Lead You…Sneak Preview for World Goth Fair

When I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city,
To see a marching band… The Black Parade, My Chemical Romance
World Goth Fair is less than a week away.  For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure, this is an annual event held on the Cursed sim, which features several merchants and their spectacular Gothic wares, plus a whole lot of live Gothic DJ music. World Goth Fair was originally a charity event, but it will be a little different this year, because Linden Lab has made it mind-bogglingly difficult to set up charity events without huge migraines and small animal sacrifices.  I’m sure they’d insist on virgins being thrown into the nearest pixilated volcano, but those are hard to find in Second Life these days.  I’ll leave it up to you whether you think I mean volcanoes or virgins.

All snarkiness and Linden Lab aside, World Goth Fair is a fantastic outlet for all things Goth.  All the Gothiness will be available in one handy sim.  You can peruse things at your leisure as you listen to some prime Gothic music (Pretentious, Moi? is a perennial favorite with Cursed residents), and there will be a fabulous build for taking pictures of all your awesome new things.

Avatar Bizarre is, once again, a part of World Goth Fair, and will be bringing a few brand new goodies into the mix, including the Sgt. Nemesis Marching Band outfit shown here.

I get by with a little help from my friends, especially when it comes to marching band outfits.  This number, named for half a Beatles album, and all of a Shriekback song, is rigged mesh and includes five sizes and an alpha.  The good news is it comes in six colors.  In even better news, it’s available for both men and women!

With apologies to my normal model, Misha, time got away from me while I was off working on a severe real life deadline, and I suddenly found myself with less than a day to make, texture, and photograph the female version of this outfit.  But a personal note to her:  There’s going to be a Sgt Pepper-Bright version of this outfit pretty soon.  Meanwhile, here’s my mug as a female avatar.

There will be a few other goodies available from Avatar Bizarre, which will debut at World Goth Fair.  Stay Tuned for more!

World Goth Fair opens May 15.  You can get more information at the blog.

Chaos Will Swallow the Sun – Fantasy Faire Sneak Preview #3

“Out of Chaos comes Order.” – Neitsche

Apophis, also known as Apep, is the God of Chaos and Destruction in Ancient Egypt.  He is the serpent that threatens to swallow the sun.  Imprisoned by one of Ra’s three incarnations, Khepri the Scarab in the underworld known as Duat, the serpent battles Bast in an epic battle that has lasted for millennia.  Should the force of Chaos ever emerge, the world would be cast into a maelstrom of darkness and disorder.  Ma’at, the Goddess of Order balances the Chaos.  One cannot exist without the other.

Avatar Bizarre has a new set of eyes coming out for Fantasy Faire called Apophis.  Apophis Eyes endow your ever changing look with a tiny bit of chaos.  The color HUD included with this set gives you eight color choices with the mesh eyes, plus eight pairs of system eyes for the die-hards out there who prefer old school eyeballs.  Eat set also includes an alpha, and the eyes are materials enhanced for a little extra bit of shine.  The cost for these modify/copy eyes will be 120L.

Everything I Do I Do For You – Fantasy Fair Sneak Preview

Avatar Bizarre has, by some amazing circumstances, and a bit of applying, made it into this year’s Second Life Fantasy Faire, an event created to raise money and awareness for Relay for Life.  To be fair, there have been a couple of sneak previews as yours truly jumped the gun and started making stuff just in case.  Enthusiasm, coupled with that elusive Inspiration has resulted in a few new things.

You already got a sneak preview of the Goblin King and the Boudica Armor.  Now let me give you a taste of the Goblin Queen!  Of course this is mostly because my lovely model (pictured above and below) is champing at the bit for a picture or two.  The Goblin Queen, like the King in a previous post, is going to be available in seven colors and includes the pants and jacket (plus alphas) and shoulder armor (one shoulder).

If you’re itching for just the jacket, don’t worry!  The jackets for the Queen and King will be available solo with a Color change HUD (all seven colors), plus the shoulder armor and requisite alpha.

In other news, there’s a set of boots for both King and Queen available.  The boots will include a rigged and an unrigged pair, plus Color change HUD.  All pieces in the ensemble are materials enhanced. Demos will be available for everything, so please feel free to try them out!